Contact Centre KPIs: Why it's so important to set your own goals, rather than follow the flock.
How do your customers engage with your business?
Are you missing out on opportunities?
As Contact Centres have evolved over decades from switchboards to Call Centres and now, to smart Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled Omnichannel Contact Centres in the cloud, these complex ecosystems today require advanced data-driven strategies to succeed.
Digital technology is opening up new possibilities for leveraging value from your contact
centre. This paper is an introduction to developing relevant KPIs for your digital contact centre strategy.
In this white paper we explain:
- Setting realistic KPIs to achieve customer (and agent) happiness - understanding and managing average handling times (AHT).
- Dynamic adaptability to change during the time of Covid-19 - working from home and the implications on managing your agents.
- The joy of meaningful real-time reporting and dashboards - powerful tools that help you understand call drivers and agent performance in real-time.
- The importance of technology, and having the right tools at hand - understanding the changing dynamics of the customer experience, and the tools and processes you need to keep pace.
- Your business, your KPIs - considerations that help ensure your KPIs meet your business objectives.
- The human cost of KPIs and technology - read the 12 factors to consider as you develop your Telecommunications and Contact Centre strategy.